Auerbach Art

Imperfect Circles of Life

Circles of life.   It’s just a circle of life.   Life, death, birth, marriage, love, hate, work, life.  I always think of a perfectly round circle like the ones in power point presentations talking about the circle of life for a strategic plan.  But life has speed bumps, walls, crevices and the circles are anything but […]

Feeling blue…

Blue is one of my favorite colors.  It is water washing away the day.  It is summer at the shore.  It’s not RED.  It’s the color of Greece.  It’s memories of Greece and summer days in Hawaii.  It is my happy place. Do you ever wonder why “feeling blue” denotes such sadness and depression?  I’m […]

I fall

These two simple words have followed me my entire life.  AND I always get up. And falling.   What is falling?   What is it to fall?   How can a simple four-letter word encompass so much emotion and pain and growth? Falling down steps.   Falling off a ledge.   Falling to sleep.   Falling into love.   Falling into a […]

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